Disney's latest animated film is the second most expensive film of all time which shows you Disney were hoping to go back to making the animated classics of the past and the ambitious Tangled certainly feels like an animated classic and probably the best Disney animation since the Lion King.
Tangled is a funny,charming film and disney are on top form with their latest offering which is very funny and the two funniest characters never utter a word!
Pascal the Chameleon and Maximus the Horse are very funny characters that are up there with Timone and Pumba and the Genie in Aladdin with their comedy and the impressive thing is that all their comedy comes from their facial expressions or actions.
The characters who speak in the film are also funny and good characters and Tangled is a funny and charming Disney film that is a joy to watch. Disney will no doubt make millions from the movie and the merchandise and no wonder when the film is this enjoyable for all ages. The cinema was roaring with laughter from the kids to the parents laughing at the antics of the characters and everybody left with a smile on their face.
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