N.E.D.S or Non- Educated Delinquents is the story of John Mcgill, as he grows up in Glasgow in the 1970's while trying to keep out of trouble and be successful unlike his father or big brother.
The film starts with John Mcgill finishing primary school as one of the most successful students and looking forward to secondary however he is threatened by a n.e.d who threatens to beat him up over and over at secondary. This threat is sorted out early when his big brother Benni is told and he violently warns the aggressor away from John and John's first few years at secondary go well despite initially being looked down upon because of his big brother.
The film starts well and John Mcgill is shown to have hope that he will overcome the odds and actually make something of his life. Peter Mullan who directs the film as well as starring in the film, as John's alcohol father, makes an impression earl on despite not being in many scenes.
The film moves on and as John tries to keep his head down while meeting other intellectual friends, he is looked down upon by a stuck up mother which after this he is "jumped" by a group but they stop when hearing who is big brother is and John begins to become part of the group of "neds"
This is where the film becomes undone as John's transformation from perfect school kid to troublemaker seems rushed and unbelievable and from here on the film moves from scene to scene without fully explaining if John is good or bad as he continues to make no sense with his actions.
A few comedic scenes involving the character Wee T and then an amusing fight between John and Jesus carry the film as it begins to draw to a close however the end of the film is a little silly and leaves the viewer's questions unanswered on what Joohn is really like.
N.E.D.S does not deliver what it was hyped up to from the trailers however Peter Mullan's film is enjoyable and amusing in parts and is an ok film to watch once to see the good performances from actors and actresses who are all unexperienced which is quite impressive. A second viewing may be too much but if you are into films like this then you may find more from this film than I did.
Hi Calvin, I’m interested to see this movie as I’ve followed Peter Mullen’s film making career avidly since meeting him in Glasgow about 13 or 14 years ago while I was working on an independent film entitled "Broken Road". Just wanted to say you have a great blog and I hope to see you soon on the Movie Vaults Forum.
Hi Andrew. The problem i had with it,as i showed was the rushed transformation to a ned for the main character. It also isn't explained properly if he is good or bad all the way through the film. Pete Mullen's character is great and it is well directed.I do like Peter Mullen and really enjoy the film My Name Is Joe in particular.I will see you on the forums and thank you for the positive feedback.